Central Master Data team
About us:
With more than 40 companies using SAP master data in STADA group, we are supporting and taking care of data about materials, customers and vendors. Almost everyone uses this data, so our job is to make sure that only proper data is in the system. Data is important for all other applications, reporting platforms, even point of sales applications in pharmacies and wholesalers. We manage the rules, processes and workflows which make the data quality precise, transparent and usable for everyone in our company.
Our team speaks more than 7 languages and has been growing since we started as a company dedicated to support STADA’s growth. Being connected to business processes and taking care that data flows through them gives us a big picture, to better understand and to achieve more that data stewarding and data governance. This is how we grow our competence and put more value into the data and also give our colleagues guidance in data maintenance.